Saturday, February 13, 2010

String Theory and The One Who Got Away

The diamond stars smile down at us from such a dark heaven,
The cold wind harshly steals the air from our lungs.
You smile at me in wonder as all of creation gives us its silent blessing.
The waves crash, little ice crystals slamming against the shore.
Synapses fire, fingers intermingle, lips touch.
The strings of the universe pull together,
Knotting themselves,
Ripping apart,
Doing their part,
Pushing, always pushing us back together.
So much time apart,
Transported back to a time when love made sense.
So many scars upon our souls, echoed in the wounded trees that blow gracefully in the wind.
I see the gentle lines that time has etched upon your handsome face,
I imagine all of the places you've been and the people you've met,
Then I glimpse the look of adoration in your eyes...
And once more, I have reason to hope.
Tied to one another, never able to escape.
The strings tighten, drawing us to one another once more.
This shared grief, this overwhelming feeling of regret,
How bittersweet are dreams deferred.

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